Gentle and effective therapy
Equine Massage Therapy is a generic and collective term that refers to the intellectual manipulation of the varied layers of soft tissue structures that lay beneath the horse’s skin.
A variety of individual and integrated skills belong within the artistry of equine massage therapy.
Each one is specifically designed to effectively contribute to the detection, resolution and healing of various malfunctions present within the specific body tissues and structures.
There are many physical and psychological benefits to equine massage therapy. These include:
Draining & Stimulating the Lymphatic system, optimizing the removal of toxins from the horse’s body
Balancing the Nervous system and stimulating the Parasympathetic Nervous system, known as the “Relaxation Response”.
Relaxing & Repairing Muscular Malfunctions
Stimulating the blood flow and Cardio Vascular system, improving circulation
Stimulating the Digestive system
Stimulating the Respiratory system
Balancing the Endocrine system
Improved posture
Improved Muscle Tone
Improved coat condition and shine
Increased flexibility and range of motion
Increased stamina
Stress relief
Pain relief
Training days
As part of my massage courese with Ceanture Equine Massage, I have compleated a total of 30 hours supervised practical tuition. I look farward to building on my experiance to help both horse and rider achive their goals.

to enquire or make a booking please message
click for Facebook page
call or text 07885658184

Permission from your vet is required before booking
Whether your horse is sound, a little “off” or lame I must have your vet’s permission to perform massage before treatment. while massage is non-invasive and generally safe, the Vets act * specifies that therapists must be fully qualified to give treatment to healthy horses but permission can be given to students in training. Once I have fully qualified permissions are only required when treating a horse in rehabilitation stages and usually as part of a professional team. Please choose a form type below (click on moving images).
My training is through Centaur Equine Massage Training, regulated by UK Rural Skills. I have so far completed all “hands on” training days and all written modules. I am in the process of completing 10 case studies and then to sit a final exam.
* RCVS supporting guidance to veterinary act 1966, 2015 exemptions 19.24.

Vet request form
Click image to send to a new page. This form will send an email to your vet once you have completed details. Their reply will return to me without any complication. If your vet's email isn't shown please message me who your vet is and email if you have it.

Click the image abouve for a PDF version that can be filled via adobe forms and then sent to your vet via e-mail. Please then email the fully compleated form to me before treatment

Click the image abouve for a Word document. easy to print and hand to your vet to complete.
First treatment
Usually 1 hour 30. A brief history is taken then an in-hand walk, trot, turn and rein-back observation to assess movement, standing to assess conformation and overall balance. A 1hr massage treatment including mobilizations or stretches tailored to your horse.
Usually 1hr, massage treatment with mobilizations and stretches
Untill I’m fully qualified treatment is free! I only request a donation to cover fuel costs.
I’m covered by student insurance
Please phone or message me once you have your vets permission. My usual equine days are Wednesday or Sunday 10am-2pm.